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How Enduo works

The Enduo sprocket enables a conventional roller chain to contact and engage on both sides of the sprocket tooth forming a load-bearing and a supporting pair, what we term Dual Engagement.

The Enduo sprocket engages a standard roller chain (e.g 520) by Dual Engagement, leading to reduction in roller chain wear, dramatically extending lifetime over 3.5X and increasing chain retention.

How Enduo Motorcycle was independently validated

On-bike validation test

In collaboration with David Knight - 5xEnduro world champion, Enduo Motorcycle technology was put through its paces at his home track on the Isle of Man.

Bike - KTM 300 – Sport Motorcycle

  • 48 / 14 sprocket ratio​

  • 520 chain​

  • 293cc single-cylinder,

  • Fuel injected, 2-stroke

Testing included 90mph road test, travelling on rough terrain and sand with Enduo surpassing expectations.

On bike camera displaying front sprocket Enduo 7T (conventional 14T)


  • Rider experience was excellent.

  • Chain and sprocket engagement on both front and rear was smooth.

  • No concerns with noise or vibration.

  • When riding in sand the chain and sprocket engagement was superior to a conventional set up.

  • Enduo sprockets performed very well at high speeds on and off road.

  • Enduo passed the on-bike validation test.

High speed rig testing at the University of Kaiserslautern

Multiple tests were run comparing the performance of Enduo sprockets against conventional ISO sprockets to see how they both performaned at various torques and speeds.

  • Torques ranged between 100-400 Nm

  • Speeds ran from 2000-4600 rpm.

  • Tests were evaluating efficiency, chain and sprocket performance, chain slack and vibration.

  • The tests were to assess if Enduo motorcycle sprockets were suitable for high speed motorcycle applications and evaluate the results in a controlled test facility against conventional ISO sprockets.

  • Enduo motorcycle passed the second validation high speed rig test.

Model:  DID unsealed 520
Length:  108 links
Slack:   2%

Conventional:   15 / 48
Enduo:   16 / 48



Lifetime performance against conventional ISO profile sprockets

Running an ISO standard roller chain with Enduo sprockets is proven to increase the wear life of the roller chain over 3.5X, as shown in our independent tests on 10B-1 and 12B-1 chains conducted at the University of Stuttgart and IWIS. These are the equivalent of 530 and 630 series motorcycle chains.

Run time vs chain elongation for ISO 10B-1 roller chain tested with ISO sprocket vs Enduo sprockets.

Run time vs chain elongation for ISO 12B-1 roller chain tested on ISO sprocket vs Enduo sprockets

New Motion Labs UK wear rig testing facility at Newcastle University